1Mar 30, 2023
Recently, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies have gained more attention. These technologies are not new as they have been used to enhance the production in hard-to-abate industries (such as cement, petrochemicals, iron and steel, fertilizers, and natural gas processing). Many experts now see CCUS as a crucial tool to mitigate the climate change […]
2Sep 9, 2022
In August 2022, the U.S. administration and congress passed a historic legislative package, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) or known as the first climate bill. The Biden Administration through this IRA has aimed to achieve a net zero emission* by reducing GHG emissions into two stages: 1) at least a 50% reduction from […]
3Nov 10, 2020
RPB Energy Economics with Econolytics submitted a report on an international standby tariffs survey to PTIT for the Office of Energy Regulatory Commission last month. The purpose of our study is to review and evaluate standby tariff designs from several different jurisdictions to better understand the range of potential rate designs possible for use in […]
4Feb 28, 2020
In February 2020, Dr. Broehm gave a public talk on “Green Electricity Innovative Approaches to Accelerate Renewable Goal” in Bangkok. She shared the U.S. and the EU clean energy policies and discussed innovative rate designs as corporate buyers are demanding more green power. She compared the differences between physical and virtual PPAs and how they […]
5Dec 2, 2019
Lusaka, Zambia In November 2019, Dr. Romkaew Broehm shared her experience and knowledge of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Open Access Transmission Policies with Southern African regulators and their staff during a three-day peer review on Grid Code Implementation. The program was organized by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and sponsored by […]
6Jun 11, 2019
RPBEE Principal Romkaew Broehm co-authored “Electric Storage: From idea to action” with Daniel Hagan, Kirsti Massie and Jane Rueger, partners of global law firm White & Case. The article examines the growing use of electric storage [ES] around the world, which is due, in part, to the growing demand of electric storage (lithium-ion batteries) in the […]
7Apr 9, 2019
Dr. Romkaew Broehm, Principal at RPB Energy Economics LLC, will be the expert speaker at Petroleum Institute of Thailand’s (PTIT’s) public lecture, “Emerging Global Electricity Trends: Opportunities and Challenges,” on Monday, April 22, 2019 in Bangkok. She will discuss the growing changes in the electricity industry sparked by progressive environmental initiatives, and the opportunities these […]